Monday, May 2, 2011

Pigs are Flying

A strange thing happened this weekend.  My family (mom Teri, Stepdad Tim, and maternal Grandparents Gene and Elaine) in North Dakota had a huge blizzard with 67mph wind gusts and 10 inches of snow and they lost power.  While this was happening, Sean and I were in Haiti enjoying near-constant power at the birth center.  Pigs somewhere must be flying because not only is it strange for us to have power this much but it's even more strange when people in the US lose power.  It's big news. Here it's a daily occurrence and is completely normal.  Many of our neighbors never have power.  Ever.  The fact that our house is hooked up to power is a big deal.  The fact that our house is painted on the outside means we pretty much live in a palace.  My grandparents spent their time without power sitting in front of their fireplace roasting hot dogs on sticks.  Grandma said is was very romantic. :)  They were invited to their neighbors' house who has a generator but they declined because the family has 5 kids and certainly didn't need two more people, she said.  I remember blizzards as a kid being so bad the entire car would be buried in our driveway.  Fortunately this storm wasn't that bad and the temperatures did not get below zero so they were lucky.

My Grandpa Gene having his morning coffee amidst the snow.
  I'm thanking my lucky stars I don't have to put up with snow and that when we lose power, it's if anything too hot rather than too cold.

Thanks for reading,

Dokte Sarah

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