Monday, April 4, 2011

Haiti is Hot and Humid

I lived in Phoenix for 4 years and tolerated temps up to and above 120 degrees.  I also have a thyroid condition which makes me colder than the average person in most situations.  When we decided to move to Haiti, I wasn't worried about the heat because of these reasons.  I failed to calculate the humidity factor and what that can do when it's over 90 degrees in the cement house where you are trying to sleep and the power is off so you can't use the AC or a fan.  It's hot here.  Really really hot.  It's only going to get worse too.  Fortunately we found a nice little (well, big really) diamond in the rough where we will be spending many afternoons this summer, I'm sure.

For just $5/person we can swim all day at this pool while enjoying cold beverages with ice made from purified water and listening to music on their great sound system to which we can hook up our ipods.  Life will be much cooler than we had anticipated while we try to help our patients without sweating all over them.

1 comment:

  1. I think dehumidifiers can greatly help you in that department. A dip in the pool wold be awesome too!
