Sunday, April 24, 2011

Plants, Motorcycles and Paintings, Oh My!!

It's Easter Sunday and since Haitian traditions are vastly different from American ones (mostly because American traditions typically involve spending a lot of money on food and other things that won't be enjoyed past that day), it doesn't feel like a holiday the way Christmas didn't feel like a holiday.  I don't know what time of year it feels like but with no seasons and no real holiday celebrations to mark the time I often get confused as to which month and especially which day it is.  I made brownies since the power was on and I hear we're having fish to eat which everyone but me is excited about.  The staff members are excited because they could choose to either take the day off or to work and get time and a half pay.  Most of them are working and eating brownies.

We've had a few exciting things happen this week aside from Easter so here are some pictures with explanations

Our garden is growing like crazy! Not just the plants which have been in the ground a couple of months but the ones in the shade houses too!
View of the right half of the garden.
The view of the left half of the garden.
This is one of the new shadehouses Joe, Jaime and Ron built for us. Seriously folks, these plants were put in the ground a little over a week ago!  Things grow so well down here. 
Sean bought himself a brand-new motorcycle which he is learning to ride.  He is taking lessons from  a Haitian mototaxi driver which he said is like learning to swim from a Navy SEAL.  He took me out for a ride out in the country last night and did a great job!  We are in the market for a second helmet for me as well as knee and elbow pads which he absolutely must wear each time he goes out (my orders) because drivers in Haiti are crazy.  Like legit crazy.  I'm really happy for him as this has been a dream of his for a long time and am happy for me because I get to ride along and get to actually leave the birth center once in a while.  After not having a car for over 3 months, it's been feeling a bit like a jail.

This beauty is yet-to-be named but we anticipate many hours of fun and freedom in our future.
This week we had our friend Lucien (not our former employee for those of you in the know) come to visit us with things to sell as he does every week or two.  He is a very talented artist and told us his wife is in the hospital and her meds are really expensive so he was wondering if we could do something to help him raise more money.  So Sean had the idea to have him paint a painting here at the birth center so we could photograph the process and then have the painting taken to the US to be auctioned off at the Benefit Cruise our organization is holding May 13th!  He did a MamaBaby theme and it turned out really well.  We really don't want to send it to the US but I suppose he can probably paint us another one to have in our birth center.  I was really amazed that he painted the whole thing in just a few hours!

Isn't this beautiful? Lucien is the guy on the left and the guy on the right is his assistant (he mumbled his name when he said it all three times I asked so I didn't catch it) who is about 15 and is very talented. Both are self-taught artists.
Tomorrow were are hoping to go to the beach which will consist of a 1 hour ride in a taxi each way with fresh seafood, fruity drinks, white sand and clear blue water.  I'll try to post pictures in the next few days.

Thanks for reading!

Dokte Sarah

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